5.12 Class ARRAY |
description: "Sequences of values, all of the same type or of a % %conforming one, accessible through integer indices in a % %contiguous interval"
class interface
make (minindex, maxindex: INTEGER) -- Allocate array; set index interval to -- minindex .. maxindex; set all values to default. -- (Make array empty if minindex > maxindex.) ensure no_count: (minindex > maxindex) implies (count = 0); count_constraint: (minindex <= maxindex) implies (count = maxindex - minindex + 1)
make_from_array (a: ARRAY [G]) -- Initialize from the items of a. -- (Useful in proper descendants of class ARRAY, -- to initialize an array-like object from a manifest array.)
feature -- Initialization
make (minindex, maxindex: INTEGER) -- Set index interval to minindex .. maxindex; -- reallocate if necessary; set all values to default. -- (Make array empty if minindex > maxindex.) ensure no_count: (minindex > maxindex) implies (count = 0); count_constraint: (minindex <= maxindex) implies (count = maxindex - minindex + 1)
make_from_array (a: ARRAY [G]) -- Initialize from the items of a; reallocate if -- necessary. (Useful in proper descendants of -- class ARRAY, to initialize an array-like object -- from a manifest array.)
feature -- Access
entry (i: INTEGER): G -- Entry at index i, if in index interval -- (Redefinable synonym for item and infix "@".) require good_key: valid_index (i)
frozen item (i: INTEGER): G -- Entry at index i, if in index interval require good_key: valid_index (i)
frozen infix "@" (i: INTEGER): G -- Entry at index i, if in index interval require good_key: valid_index (i)
feature -- Measurement
count: INTEGER -- Number of available indices
lower: INTEGER -- Minimum index
upper: INTEGER -- Maximum index
feature -- Comparison
is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is array made of the same items as other? -- (Redefined from GENERAL.)
feature -- Status report
valid_index (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is i within the bounds of the array?
feature -- Element change
enter (v: G; i: INTEGER) -- Repace i-th entry, if in index interval, by v. -- (Redefinable synonym for put.) require good_key: valid_index (i) ensure inserted: item (i) = v
force (v: like item; i: INTEGER) -- Assign item v to i-th entry. -- Always applicable: resize the array if i falls out of -- currently defined bounds; preserve existing items. ensure inserted: item (i) = v; higher_count: count >= old count
frozen put (v: like item; i: INTEGER) -- Replace i-th entry, if in index interval, by v. require good_key: valid_index (i) ensure inserted: item (i) = v
feature -- Resizing
resize (minindex, maxindex: INTEGER) -- Rearrange array so that it can accommodate -- indices down to minindex and up to maxindex. -- Do not lose any previously entered item. require good_indices: minindex <= maxindex ensure no_low_lost: lower = minindex.min (old lower); no_high_lost: upper = maxindex.max (old upper)
feature -- Conversion
to_c: POINTER -- Address of actual sequence of values, -- for passing to external (non-Eiffel) routines.
feature -- Duplication
copy (other: like Current) -- Reinitialize by copying all the items of other. -- (This is also used by clone.) -- (From GENERAL.)
consistent_size: count = upper - lower + 1; non_negative_count: count >= 0
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International Consortium for Eiffel mailto:nice@atlanta.twr.com Last Updated: 26 October 1997 |