5.3 Class COMPARABLE |
description: "Objects that may be compared % %according to a total order relation"; note: "The basic operation is < (less than); others % %are defined in terms of this operation and is_equal."
deferred class interface
feature -- Comparison
infix "<" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is current object less than other? require other_exists: other /= Void deferred ensure asymmetric: Result implies not (other < Current)
infix "<=" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is current object less than or equal to other? require other_exists: other /= Void ensure definition: Result = (Current < other) or is_equal (other);
infix ">=" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is current object greater than or equal to other? require other_exists: other /= Void ensure definition: Result = (other <= Current)
infix ">" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is current object greater than other? require other_exists: other /= Void ensure definition: Result = (other < Current)
is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is other attached to an object considered equal -- to current object? -- (Redefined from GENERAL.) require other_not_void: other /= Void ensure symmetric: Result implies other.is_equal (Current); consistent: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result; trichotomy: Result = (not (Current < other) and not (other < Current))
max (other: like Current): like Current -- The greater of current object and other require other_exists: other /= Void ensure current_if_not_smaller: (Current >= other) implies (Result = Current) other_if_smaller: (Current < other) implies (Result = other)
min (other: like Current): like Current -- The smaller of current object and other require other_exists: other /= Void ensure current_if_not_greater: (Current <= other) implies (Result = Current) other_if_greater: (Current > other) implies (Result = other)
three_way_comparison (other: like Current): INTEGER) -- If current object equal to other, 0; if smaller, -- -1; if greater, 1. require other_exists: other /= Void ensure equal_zero: (Result = 0) = is_equal (other); smaller_negative: (Result = -1) = (Current < other); greater_positive: (Result = 1) = (Current > other)
irreflexive_comparison: not (Current < Current)
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