description: "Sparse tables implemented with multi-arrays. Ancestor of % %hash tables which should supply its hashing mechanism." library: "Gobo Eiffel Structure Library" author: "Eric Bezault <>" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001, Eric Bezault and others" license: "MIT License"
deferred class interface
feature {NONE} -- Initialization
make_default -- Create an empty container and allocate memory -- space for at least default_capacity items. Array -- chunks will have a size of default_chunk_size. -- Use `=' as comparison criterion for items. -- Use equal as comparison criterion for keys. -- (From DS_CONTAINER.) ensure empty: is_empty capacity_set: capacity = default_capacity chunk_size_set: chunk_size = default_chunk_size before: before
feature -- Access
infix "@", item (k: K): G -- Item associated with k -- (From DS_TABLE.) require valid_entry: has (k)key (k: K): K -- Key associated with k -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.) require has_k: has (k)found_item: G -- Item found by last call to search -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.) require item_found: foundfound_key: K -- Key of item found by last call to search -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.) require key_found: founditem_for_iteration: G -- Item at internal cursor position -- (From DS_TRAVERSABLE.) require not_off: not offkey_for_iteration: K -- Key at internal cursor position -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.) require not_off: not offfirst: G -- First item in table -- (From DS_LINEAR.) require not_empty: not is_empty ensure has_first: has_item (Result)last: G -- Last item in table -- (From DS_BILINEAR.) require not_empty: not is_empty ensure has_last: has_item (Result)new_cursor: DS_MULTIARRAYED_SPARSE_TABLE_CURSOR [G, K] -- New external cursor for traversal -- (From DS_TRAVERSABLE.) ensure cursor_not_void: Result /= Void valid_cursor: valid_cursor (Result)equality_tester: DS_EQUALITY_TESTER [G] -- Equality tester; -- A void equality tester means that `=' -- will be used as comparison criterion. -- (From DS_SEARCHABLE.)key_equality_tester: DS_EQUALITY_TESTER [K] -- Equality tester for keys; -- A void equality tester means that `=' -- will be used as comparison criterion. -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.)
feature -- Measurement
count: INTEGER -- Number of items in table -- (From DS_CONTAINER.)capacity: INTEGER -- Maximum number of items in table -- (From DS_RESIZABLE.)default_capacity: INTEGER -- Initial capacity in make_default -- (Default value: 10) -- (From DS_RESIZABLE.) ensure default_capacity_positive: Result >= 0chunk_size: INTEGER -- Size of array chunksdefault_chunk_size: INTEGER -- Default value for chunk_size -- (Default value: 30000) ensure default_chunk_size_positive: Result > 0occurrences (v: G): INTEGER -- Number of times v appears in table -- (Use equality_tester's comparison criterion -- if not void, use `=' criterion otherwise.) -- (From DS_SEARCHABLE.) ensure positive: Result >= 0 has: has_item (v) implies Result >= 1
feature -- Status report
has (k: K): BOOLEAN -- Is there an item associated with k? -- (From in DS_TABLE.) ensure valid_key: Result implies valid_key (k)has_item (v: G): BOOLEAN -- Does table include v? -- (Use equality_tester's comparison criterion -- if not void, use `=' criterion otherwise.) -- (From has in DS_SEARCHABLE.) ensure not_empty: Result implies not is_emptyfound: BOOLEAN -- Did last call to search succeed? -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.)is_empty: BOOLEAN -- Is table empty? -- (From DS_CONTAINER.)is_full: BOOLEAN -- Is table full? -- (From DS_RESIZABLE.)is_first: BOOLEAN -- Is internal cursor on first item? -- (From DS_LINEAR.) ensure not_empty: Result implies not is_empty not_off: Result implies not off definition: Result implies (item_for_iteration = first)is_last: BOOLEAN -- Is internal cursor on last item? -- (From DS_BILINEAR.) ensure not_empty: Result implies not is_empty not_off: Result implies not off definition: Result implies (item_for_iteration = last)after: BOOLEAN -- Is there no valid position to right of internal cursor? -- (From DS_LINEAR.)before: BOOLEAN -- Is there no valid position to left of internal cursor? -- (From DS_BILINEAR.)off: BOOLEAN -- Is there no item at internal cursor position? -- (From DS_TRAVERSABLE.)same_position (a_cursor: like new_cursor): BOOLEAN -- Is internal cursor at same position as a_cursor? -- (From DS_TRAVERSABLE.) require a_cursor_not_void: a_cursor /= Voidvalid_cursor (a_cursor: DS_CURSOR [G]): BOOLEAN -- Is a_cursor a valid cursor? -- (From DS_TRAVERSABLE.) require a_cursor_not_void: a_cursor /= Voidvalid_key (k: K): BOOLEAN -- Is k a valid key? -- (From DS_TABLE.) ensure defintion: Result = Truesame_items (v, u: G): BOOLEAN -- Are v and u considered equal? -- (Use equality_tester's comparison criterion -- if not void, use `=' criterion otherwise.) -- (From DS_SEARCHABLE.)same_equality_tester (other: DS_SEARCHABLE [G]): BOOLEAN -- Does container use the same comparison -- criterion as other? -- (From DS_SEARCHABLE.) require other_not_void: other /= Voidequality_tester_settable (a_tester: like equality_tester): BOOLEAN -- Can set_equality_tester be called with a_tester -- as argument in current state of container? -- (Default answer: True.) -- (From DS_SEARCHABLE.)
feature -- Search
search (k: K) -- Search for item at key k. -- If found, set found to true, and set -- found_item to item associated with k. -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.) ensure found_set: found = has (k) found_item_set: found implies (found_item = item (k))
feature -- Comparison
is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is current table equal to other? -- Do not take cursor positions, capacity -- nor equality_tester into account. -- (From GENERAL.) require other_not_void: other /= Void ensure consistent: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result same_type: Result implies same_type (other) symmetric: Result implies other.is_equal (Current) same_count: Result implies count = other.count
feature -- Duplication
copy (other: like Current) -- Copy other to current table. -- Move all cursors off (unless other = Current). -- (From GENERAL.) require other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) ensure is_equal: is_equal (other)
feature -- Setting
set_equality_tester (a_tester: like equality_tester) -- Set equality_tester to a_tester. -- A void equality tester means that `=' -- will be used as comparison criterion. -- (From DS_SEARCHABLE.) require equality_tester_settable: equality_tester_settable (a_tester) ensure equality_tester_set: equality_tester = a_tester
feature -- Cursor movement
start -- Move internal cursor to first position. -- (From DS_LINEAR.) ensure empty_behavior: is_empty implies after not_empty_behavior: not is_empty implies is_firstfinish -- Move internal cursor to last position. -- (From DS_BILINEAR.) ensure empty_behavior: is_empty implies before not_empty_behavior: not is_empty implies is_lastforth -- Move internal cursor to next position. -- (From DS_LINEAR.) require not_after: not afterback -- Move internal cursor to previous position. -- (From DS_BILINEAR.) require not_before: not beforesearch_forth (v: G) -- Move internal cursor to first position at or after current -- position where item_for_iteration and v are equal. -- (Use equality_tester's comparison criterion -- if not void, use `=' criterion otherwise.) -- Move after if not found. -- (From DS_LINEAR.) require not_off: not off or aftersearch_back (v: G) -- Move internal cursor to first position at or before current -- position where item_for_iteration and v are equal. -- (Use equality_tester's comparison criterion -- if not void, use `=' criterion otherwise.) -- Move before if not found. -- (From DS_BILINEAR.) require not_off: not off or beforego_after -- Move cursor to after position. -- (From DS_LINEAR.) ensure after: aftergo_before -- Move cursor to before position. -- (From DS_BILINEAR.) ensure before: beforego_to (a_cursor: like new_cursor) -- Move internal cursor to a_cursor's position. -- (From DS_TRAVERSABLE.) require cursor_not_void: a_cursor /= Void valid_cursor: valid_cursor (a_cursor) ensure same_position: same_position (a_cursor)
feature -- Element change
replace (v: G; k: K) -- Replace item associated with k by v. -- Do not move cursors. -- (From DS_TABLE.) require valid_entry: has (k) ensure replaced: item (k) = v same_count: count = old countreplace_found_item (v: G) -- Replace item associated with -- the key of found_item by v. -- Do not move cursors. -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.) require item_found: found ensure replaced: found_item = v same_count: count = old countput (v: G; k: K) -- Associate v with key k. -- Do not move cursors. -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.) require not_full: not is_full valid_key: valid_key (k) ensure inserted: has (k) and then item (k) = v same_count: (old has (k)) implies (count = old count) one_more: (not old has (k)) implies (count = old count + 1)put_new (v: G; k: K) -- Associate v with key k. -- Do not move cursors. -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.) require not_full: not is_full valid_key: valid_key (k) new_item: not has (k) ensure one_more: count = old count + 1 inserted: has (k) and then item (k) = vforce (v: G; k: K) -- Associate v with key k. -- Resize table if necessary. -- Do not move cursors. -- (From put in DS_TABLE.) require valid_key: valid_key (k) ensure inserted: has (k) and then item (k) = v same_count: (old has (k)) implies (count = old count) one_more: (not old has (k)) implies (count = old count + 1)force_new (v: G; k: K) -- Associate v with key k. -- Resize table if necessary. -- Do not move cursors. -- (From put_new in DS_TABLE.) require valid_key: valid_key (k) new_item: not has (k) ensure one_more: count = old count + 1 inserted: has (k) and then item (k) = vforce_last (v: G; k: K) -- Associate v with key k. Put v at the end of table -- if no item was already associated with k, or replace -- existing item otherwise. -- Resize table if necessary. -- Do not move cursors. -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.) ensure same_count: (old has (k)) implies (count = old count) one_more: (not old has (k)) implies (count = old count + 1) inserted: has (k) and then item (k) = v last: (not old has (k)) implies last = vswap (k, l: K) -- Exchange items associated with k and l. -- (From DS_TABLE.) require valid_k: has (k) valid_l: has (l) ensure same_count: count = old count new_k: item (k) = old item (l) new_l: item (l) = old item (k)
feature -- Removal
remove (k: K) -- Remove item associated with k. -- Move any cursors at this position forth. -- (From DS_TABLE.) require valid_key: valid_key (k) ensure same_count: (not old has (k)) implies (count = old count) one_less: (old has (k)) implies (count = old count - 1) removed: not has (k)remove_found_item -- Remove item found by last call to search. -- Move any cursors at this position forth. -- (From DS_SPARSE_TABLE.) require item_found: found ensure one_less: count = old count - 1wipe_out -- Remove all items from table. -- Move all cursors off. -- (From DS_CONTAINER.) ensure wiped_out: is_empty
feature -- Resizing
resize (n: INTEGER) -- Resize table so that it can contain -- at least n items. Do not lose any item. -- Move all cursors off. -- (From DS_RESIZABLE.) require n_large_enough: n >= capacity ensure capacity_set: capacity = n
positive_count: count >= 0 empty_definition: is_empty = (count = 0) -- (From DS_CONTAINER.)empty_constraint: is_empty implies off -- (From DS_TRAVERSABLE.)after_constraint: after implies off -- (From DS_LINEAR.)not_both: not (after and before) before_constraint: before implies off -- (From DS_BILINEAR.)count_constraint: count <= capacity full_definition: is_full = (count = capacity) -- (From DS_RESIZABLE.)chunk_size_positive: chunk_size > 0
Copyright © 2001, Eric
Bezault Last Updated: 2 April 2001 |