Some Simple Examples | ![]() ![]() |
First some simple examples to get the flavor of how one uses gelex. The following gelex input specifies a scanner which whenever it encounters the string "foo" will replace it with the string "bar":
%{ class FOOBAR inherit YY_COMPRESSED_SCANNER_SKELETON create make %} %% foo output ("bar") %% end
This description file is made up of three sections separated by %% marks. The text enclosed within the two signs %{ and %} in the first section is Eiffel text which is copied verbatim to gelex output class file. It specifies that the name of the generated class is FOOBAR and that its creation procedure is make, a routine inherited from class YY_COMPRESSED_SCANNER_SKELETON. This class contains the pattern-matching engine - a Deterministic Finite Automaton (or DFA for short) - which is optimized in terms of memory space, hence the name of the class. It also provides numerous facilities such as routine scan for analyzing a given input text. The second section, enclosed within the two %% marks, contains the only rule of this description file. foo is the pattern of this rule and the output instruction is the action. By default, any text not matched by a gelex scanner is copied to the standard output, so the net effect of this scanner is to copy its input file to the standard output with each occurrence of "foo" replaced with "bar". The third section of the file, after the second %% mark, is Eiffel text which is copied verbatim at the end of the generated class. In this example, it just contains the end of the class keyword.
Here's another simple example:
%{ class WC inherit YY_COMPRESSED_SCANNER_SKELETON create make %} %% \n nb_lines := nb_lines + 1; nb_characters := nb_characters + 1 . nb_characters := nb_characters + 1 %% feature -- Access nb_lines: INTEGER nb_characters: INTEGER -- Number of lines and characters feature -- Analysis analyze -- Count the number of characters and lines -- in input file and display the results. do nb_lines := 1 nb_characters := 0 scan print ("Number of lines = ") print (nb_lines) print ('%N') print ("Number of characters = ") print (nb_characters) print ('%N') end end
This scanner counts the number of characters and the number of lines in its input (it produces no output other than the final report on the counts). The first section of the scanner description is similar to the one described in the first example. The generated class is named after the Unix command wc which counts the number of characters, words and lines in given files. There are two rules, one which matches a newline (\n) and increments both the line count and the character count, and one which matches any character other than a newline (indicated by the . regular expression).
A somewhat more complicated example:
%{ note description: "Scanner for a toy Eiffel-like language" class EIFFEL_SCANNER inherit YY_COMPRESSED_SCANNER_SKELETON KL_SHARED_ARGUMENTS export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_STANDARD_FILES export {NONE} all end create make %} DIGIT [0-9] ID [a-z][a-z0-9_]* %% {DIGIT}+ { io.put_string ("An integer: ") io.put_integer (text.to_integer) io.put_new_line } {DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}* { io.put_string ("A real: ") io.put_real (text.to_real) io.put_new_line } class|inherit|feature|do|if|then|else|end { io.put_string ("A keyword: ") io.put_string (text) io.put_new_line } {ID} { io.put_string ("An identifier: ") io.put_string (text) io.put_new_line } "+"|"-"|"*"|"/"|"^" { io.put_string ("An operator: ") io.put_character (text_item (1)) io.put_new_line } "--".* -- Ignore comments [ \t\n\r]+ -- Ignore separators . { io.put_string ("Unrecognized character: ") io.put_character (text_item (1)) io.put_new_line } %% feature -- Scanning scan_file -- Scan file whose name has been given as argument. -- Scan standard input if no argument has been given. local l_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE l_input: KI_TEXT_INPUT_STREAM do if Arguments.argument_count >= 1 then create l_file.make (Arguments.argument (1)) l_file.open_read l_input := l_file else l_input := std.input end set_input_buffer (new_file_buffer (l_input)) scan end end
This is the beginnings of a simple scanner for a language like Eiffel. It identifies different types of tokens and reports on what it has seen. The details of this example will be explained in the rest of the documentation.
Copyright © 1998-2019, Eric
Bezault Last Updated: 17 January 2019 |
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